How did you sleep last night? There are any among us who struggle in this area. The Bible tells us in Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know I am God. . ." This is good medicine for our body, mind, and soul. Some of us have physical difficulties that give us problems with our sleep, such as sleep apnea. Others can't stop their minds from working on the problems of the day. No matter the issue we must realize that a lack of quality sleep dulls our senses, fatigues our bodies, and taxes our systems. Several recent studies indicate sleep deprivation can impact us similarly to, if not more so, than being under the influence of alcohol.
A couple of thoughts to help us out in this area are to take breaks during your day to clear your mind even if it is just for a few minutes. This temporary decompression will tend to make us more productive and put us in the habit of letting go, thereby making it easier to do the same at bedtime. Second many of us go about our daily business in a dehydrated or nearly dehydrated state. Additional hydration throughout our day will help us feel better and in turn help us sleep better at night.
Finally, as Christians the calming effect of prayer is a must. Not a trite repetition ran through out of habit, but a simple thank you to God for seeing you through the day along with a request for a good night of sleep to prepare you for service to Him in the day to come.
Try these simple tips to see if you can improve your sleep quality. If you sleep better you will have more energy for God, your family, friends and work. Sleep better, feel better, with God we will. . .
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