Thursday, August 27, 2015

Our Times

How has our society come to this point?  Our news is filled with tragic and heartbreaking stories of innocent babies being slaughtered for profit, the constant drumbeat of discord between certain elements of the various ethnic groups, and the ever growing threat of those terrorists who seek to destroy the fabric of our society.

We are, according to The Bible, a fallen people.  We are in need of a redeemer, and we were given one in Jesus Christ.  Who will take up their cross and follow Him daily?  Until we, as those who have chosen to follow Him, add some depth to our faith we will struggle.  If we, of all nations and ethnicities, would look back to Genesis chapter 1 verse 26, "then God said, Let Us make man in our image, according to Our likeness. . .", and take it to heart I am convinced very little will change for the better.
May we each look at those around us and see past the flaws and the differences, and begin to see that image, that God - likeness in us all.  If we can begin to do this then perhaps we can begin to see a degree of restoration and healing within the land.
If not, then I believe we will further sink into very dark days much like those found in the book of Judges.
Choose Christ, choose a better tomorrow, get fit spiritually, physically, and relationally remembering "With God We Will. . ."

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Well, Well, Well

A couple of times in the past,in different forums, I have discussed the parable of Jesus given in Matthew 25:14-30.  In this parable the master upon returning from his trip assesses the efforts of his servants in whom he had entrusted various portions of his property while he was away.  For the productive servants he praised their efforts by saying, "well done good and faithful servant. . . "

In my previous thoughts I have focused on the idea that what was said was not, 'all done. . .' but rather "well done".  The implication being that in our fast paced world we try to do it all and fail when we should be attempting to do things well, with a spirit of excellence.  I still find this to be true but want to take a different turn today.

Rather than focus on the task at hand I want to focus on our ability to perform the task.  Our ability to perform in this life is directly related to our wellness (fitness) which incorporates our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being (in no particular order).  These areas are interrelated and have significant impact on one another and together determine the limits of our ability to serve.  As I have recently written setting some goals is an important starting point.  I encourage you to look at your current situation and make a point to set some goals to propel you forward. 

First take care to grow your spiritual health and pray that God will guide you to grow in the other areas.  Then work on your physical well being, if the body is the temple of God then a little upkeep is in order.  We don't all have to be the super-ripped athlete with the fantastic figure.  However we have a responsibility to take care of ourselves.  We have been entrusted with our mind, body, and soul by the God of the universe, just as the men in the parable were entrusted with a portion of the master's fortune.  What will He find when He returns?  With God we will, live well!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Second New Year

Personally I have had some struggles the last couple of weeks with keeping my routines and commitments to improving my fitness.  This must change.  In order to be effective in my service to God I need to maintain the best level of health that I can.
Today I look at the back to school season as a "second new year", a time to renew or update my commitments.  So here are a few things that I am looking at to closeout the remainder of the calendar year:
1) Continue my daily Bible reading to complete the reading of the full text this year.
2) Continue toward my goal of reading 30 books this year.
3) Improve my physical activity level further to increase my average daily steps above 10000 per day for the month of September
4) Lower my weight to under 200 pounds by end of year.
As you can see these goals relate to fitness on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels addressing the whole person.  I challenge you to take a look here at "the second new year", and set a few simple goals.  Even if you fail to achieve them you will have at least taken the first step to improvement, recognizing where you are now.  Join me on the journey, set your sights on improvement, and remember "with God we will."

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The First Institution

This has been a busy week with my family and that is what I want to discuss in today's writing.  Families, we all have them whether fabulous or greatly flawed.  God established the family early on when he joined Adam and Eve and blessed them with children. 

Even in these early beginnings the family did not always function in the best ways.  The free will we were given as a gift from God often has given way to opportunities to cause great harm.  The vision however, is that the family would be the cornerstone of our civilization.  The family provides a small self-governing unit that provides much needed structure in a fractured world. 

Despite the disappointments that are certain to arise, the family can, and should, be at the heart of much of our enjoyment as we journey through this life.  I am thankful for my family and the great love and peace that they add to my life. 

This week I hope that we would all take another look at our families and how they are a blessing to us.  Think for just a moment about what life would be like without the security and bond of the family unit.  Given that the family was the first institution given by God let's protect it, build it up, and honor it.  With God we will. . .