Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Reading: Power in Words

Life's Lessons
There are many lessons to be learned in this life.  Often we learn by the things we experience as we pass through,  and it has been said that "smart people learn from their mistakes and that really smart people learn from the mistakes of others."  There is plenty of truth in this statement and we would do well to grasp the magnitude of this concept in our lives.

Learning by our mistakes can be humbling, amusing, and can put us in awkward positions.  This is typically the most painful way to learn.  On the other hand, learning by the mistakes or experiences of others shields us from much of the pain of failure, and if those we are learning from are close to us it can still provide us with some uneasiness or distress.

Reading Life's Equalizer
In my professional life I have come into contact with the phrase, "readers are leaders" and believe this to be true.  Studies consistently show the benefits of reading.  It broadens our perspectives and allows us to gain new viewpoints from which to look at the various issues that arrive in our lives.  I must admit that growing up I was not much of a reader.  My baseball glove, basketball, and golf clubs were far more interesting to me at the time.  As I went through college this started to change.  I was never one to take classes year round, preferring to sit out the summer terms.  It was during this time that I determined that if I expected to keep my mind sharp, reading was the way to do it.  Upon finishing school and entering the full time workforce it took a few years before I became a consistent to avid reader.  Now I constantly read, trying always to have at least one book that I am reading, along with my commitment to Bible reading, and several blogs that I enjoy.

What to Read?
So now you may be asking the question, "what should I read?"  My suggestion is to begin each day with daily Bible reading.  This sets Christ as a priority and puts us in a positive frame of mind to start the day.  Beyond that, find subjects that interest you and start with those and then don't stick to a single subject but branch out.  With all the change in the world today the more we broaden our perspectives the better we will be able to deal with issues that arise.  I tend to lean toward non-fiction and biography, but weave in some fiction as well.  My personal favorite are the books of Andy Andrews who teaches tremendous life lessons through a folksy, down home fictional style.  "The Traveler's Gift", "The Noticer", and "The Noticer Returns" are among the best and most meaningful fictional reads I have encountered.  Mitch Albom is also worth looking at with two more fabulous books that also teach us everyday lessons, "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" and "Tuesdays With Morrie".

Call to Action
We all know that physical exercise is good for the body, though we don't always live this way.  It is also true that mental exercise, such as reading is great for our mind.  Now I encourage you to make time for both.  We all have pockets of time that we use unproductively that we could gain a world of advantage from with only a slight tweak.  Take inventory, set a goal, and get started.  The most underutilized resource in many locales is the local public library.  These are great repositories of information and entertainment and, get this, at no cost!  If you live near me here is the contact information for two local libraries where you could begin your journey to a broader perspective:

Greene County Public Library
120 N. 12th Street
Paragould, AR 72450

Jonesboro Public Library                                        315 W. Oak
Jonesboro, AR 72401
Phone: 870-935-5133

We can all enrich our lives and "With God We Will".

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Getting Started

Small Steps
It has been said that where we are in our lives is the sum of all the decisions we have made.  I believe this to be quite accurate.  That being said we then must realize that whatever condition we find ourselves in spiritually, relationally, fitness/healthwise, etc. did not happen overnight.  If this condition did not come upon us quickly then it is likely that the solution will not either.  

How to Begin
Nike says "Just Do It", I'm not sure it is that simple.  We need to assess our current state to determine where we are versus where we want to be.  Yes, I am saying we must have a goal (or set of goals), but no it doesn't have to overwhelm us.  If you were going to drive your vehicle from Arkansas to Michigan you would want a roadmap (GPS for our more tech savvy/dependent friends), and you would likely have a pretty good idea of where you would want/need to stop along the way.  This is analagous to our goal-setting, know where you are going (long term goal) and setup some stops along the way (intermediate and short term goals).  This is where many of us often fail.  We too often setup this aggressive, elaborate goal, but it should be long term, and we think we can get there quickly when it really needs to be broken up with some positive milestones along the way to provide short-term wins that build momentum for us. 

Just a Suggestion
As a Christian I believe all my goals should support my walk with Christ.  My top goal is to make sure that I am "in the Word".  I read my Bible every day, among the first things I do most days.  I track this by recording in a journal my daily readings.  This provides clear guidance as to how I am doing with the process of daily reading.  The harder to measure portion is the effectiveness of the reading, though I can tell you that I seem to recognize and recall scriptures when they pop up in services, classes and general conversation much better than before beginning this program.  One of my next goals is to improve my physical well-being.  Since the diabetes diagnosis (and others) in 2012 I have had to bring this to the forefront.  The end results of uncontrolled diabetes are scary and I don't want to go there, plus I want to remain able, as I age, to enjoy my family as well as to serve God in a very active way.  The reality of type II diabetes was a catalyst for additional discipline in my life that has spilled over into so many other areas,  Though I had been introduced and reintroduced to the concept of tracking over the years it did not become real or necessary until facing this challenge.

In the most moving speech I have ever heard, Jim Valvano's speech at the ESPY awards in 1993 ( he said the following, "Don't give up, don't ever give up."  This was said only a few weeks before his passing of cancer.  No we don't want to give up, but if we don't get started it is irrelevant.  Start your journey, to wherever you are heading with a little contemplation and a ladder of goals that are unified around the important things in your life.  Take the challenge and remember, "With God I will. . . "

Sunday, July 19, 2015


Why this Blog

Scripture opens with the book of beginnings, "Genesis".  With that thought in mind I want to share with you the beginnings for this blog.  I am an ordinary man, I come from a humble, hardworking family where I always had my needs met growing up, with a few extras.  In high school I was a good, not great, student, who could achieve at high levels without expending great effort while pursuing my athletic interests.  I went on and earned a  Bachelor's Degree in Finance from our local state university, and later married a wonderful Christian young lady.  Through her patience and some wonderful people who influenced me along the way I grew to a saving faith in Jesus Christ, far too late in life.  Along the way we had a daughter, now 14, who has brought much joy to our lives.  

In 2012 after gaining 80 some odd pounds in the 25 years since high school, I began to experience some health issues.  My years of snoring led me to a sleep study confirming I have severe sleep apnea.  A few months later some issues with my vision led to testing and diagnosis for diabetes, high cholesterol, and underactive thyroid.  Change was most definitely in order.  After absorbing the initial shock I determined that I must take control of my health or it would take control of me.  Working in a facility that provides healthcare to frail seniors I saw daily the results of health issues that had grown unchecked and it wasn't (still isn't) appealing.  

It has been quite a journey and now I want to share with others some of the lessons I have learned over the course of many years.  The Bible tells us in Philippians 2:12 ". . . work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."  I have drawn this blog's name from this verse and look forward to helping anyone who reads to improve their faith, fitness, finances and more.  Together we can walk this journey, learning from one another.  Join me in this mindset "With God I Will. . ."